Start Your Free Trial

Frequently Asked Questions
Nope! You’ll have access to every feature in your CityGro plan for 14 days — all without paying a dime. We’ll charge you only after the trial is complete, if you choose not to cancel (and we think you’ll be happy to stick around).
Absolutely! Cancel anytime within 14 days and you won’t be charged.
Great question. Obviously, results are going to vary depending on your industry, location, traffic, etc.
What are your goals? Are you looking to simplify your customer sign-in process, digitize your loyalty or waiver system? Would you like an effective way to bring customers back more often? To automate messages? Reward your best customers?
If any of these sound like your goals, most free trial customers report being pleased at the results they saw during their trial. While we can’t build a large, thriving list of loyal customers in two weeks, we’re confident that you’ll be able to see an impressive difference.
And we bet you’ll be surprised at how many of your customers volunteer to receive promotional messages!
At the end of the 14-day free trial, all of the features and configurations of your account will continue to function exactly the same, and you’ll fall into a monthly recurring plan. In this case, you’ll end up in the Waivers Unlimited Plan. Your account will be charged for the monthly rate, and you’ll be off to the races!
If you decide you do not want to continue during your trial, or that you’d prefer a different Waivers plan, reach out to CityGro Support at 866.605.4429 before the end of your trial.